AAA Adjust for addition
AAD Adjust for division
AF Auxiliary carry flag
addr Address 16bit of a byte in memory
addr-low Least significat byte of an address
addr-high Most significatnt byte of an address
AH General 8-bit register
AL General 8-bit register
AAM Adjust for multiply
AASAdjust for subtraction
ADC Add with carry
ANDAnd: logical conjunction
AX General 16-bit register
BH Genetal 8-bit register
BL General 8-bit register
BP Base 16-bit register
BX Base register 16-bit
CALL Call a procedure
CBW Convert byte to word
CLC Clear carry flag
CLD Clear direction flag
CF Carry flag
CLI Clear Interrupt
CMC Complement Carry
CMPSB Compare byte string
CMPSW Compare word string
CWD Convert word to double
CS Code segment register
CX General 160bit register
d A 1-bit field in an instruction "d" idsentifies direction from source to destination
DAA Decimal Adjust for Addition
DAS Decimal Adjust for Subtraction
DB Define byte
DD Define double word
DEC Decrement
disp Displacement
disp-low Least significat byte
of 16-bit data word
disp-high Most significant byte of
16-bit data word
DF Direction flag
DH General 8-bit register
DI Index 16-bit register
direct offset 16 bit address without a base or index register
displacement 8 or 16 bit value added ti base and / or index register
DIV Divide
DL General 8-bit register, low order
DS Data segment register
DUP Replicate value clause
DX General 16-bit register
DW Define word
EA Effective address 16-bit
END Directive identifies the end of source program
ENDP Directive identifies end of procedure
ENDS Directive identifies end of STRUC data definition
ENDS Directive identifies end of segment
Equate directive
exp Expression
FAR Far variable distance
IDIV Integer Divide
IMUL Integer Multiply
INC Increment
INT Interrupt
INTO Interrupt on Overflow
IRET Interrupt Return
IF Interrupt enable flag
JA Jamp on Above
JAE Jamp on Above or Equal
JB Jump on Below
JBE Jump on Below or Equal
JC Jump on Carry
JCXZ Jump on CX Zero
JE Jump on Equal
JG Jump on Greater
JGE Jump on Greater or Equal
JL Jump on Less
JLE Jump on Less or Equal
JMP Jump
JNA Jump on Not Above
JNAE Jump on Not Above or Equal
JNB Jump on Not Below
JNBE Jump on Not Below or Equal
JNC Jump on Not Carry
JNE Jump on Not Equal
JNG Jump on Not Greater
JNBGE Jump on Not Greater or Equal
JNL Jump on Not Less
JNLE Jump on Not Less or Equal
JNO Jump on Not Overflow
JNP Jump on Not Parity
JNS Jump on Not Sign
JNZ Jump on Not Zero
JO Jump on Not Below
JO Jump on Overflow
JP Jump on Parity
JPE Jump on Parity Even
JPO Jump on Parity Odd
JS Jump on Sign
JZ Jump on Zero
LABEL Label definition directive
LAHF Load AH with Flagf
LDS Load Pointer in DS
LEA Load Effective Address
LES Load Pointer into ES
LODSB Load byte string
LODSW Load word string
LOOPE LoopWhile Equal
LOOPNE Loop While not Equal
LOOPNZ Loop While Not Zero
LOOPZ Loop While Zero
MOV Move
MOVSB Move byte string
MOVSW Move word string
MUL Multiply
OF Overflow flag
LSRC Left source operand
NEAR Near variable distance
NEG Negate
NOP No Operation
OFFSET Operator. Return the operand displacement
ORG Location counter control; current value of location counter $
mod Bits 7,6 of the MODRM byte, addressing mode fefinition
PAGE Specifies that the segment begins on a page boundary, to an address 000H Label
PF Parity flag
POP Pop word off stack into destination
PROC Procedure definition directive
PTR Pointer
PUSH Push word in the stack
PUSHF Push Flags
RCL Rotate left throughy carry
REG The name of register
REG8 The name of 8-bit register
REG16 The name of 16-bit register
REP Repeat string opertation
RET Return from procedure
ROR Rotate right
r/m Bits 2,1,0 of the MODRM byte used in accessing memory operands
RSRC Refer right source operand
SAL Shift arithmetic left
SAR Shift arithmetic left
SBB Subtract witch borrow
SCASB Scan byte string
SCASW Scan word string
SHL Shift logical left
SHR Shift logical right
SF Sign flag
SI Index 16-bit register
SP Stack Pointer
SS Stack segment register
STACK Specifies that this segment is run-time stack segmentLabel definition directive
STC Set carry flag
STD Set direction flag
STI Set interrupt flag
STOSB Store byte string
STOSW Store word string
SUB Subtract
TEST Test or logical compare
XCHG Exchange
XOR Exclusive or
TF Trap fplag
w A 1-bit in an instruction identifying byte instruction w==0 or a word operands w==1
ZF Zero flag
:= Assignment
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Didision
% Modulo
& And
| Inclusive or
|| Exclusive or

assembly languages
