- CITSA 2008, International Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, June 29th - July 2nd, 2008, Orlando, Florida USA, organized by International Institute of International of Informatics and Systematics.
- WSEAS International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications - CEA'07, Gold Coast,
Queensland, Australia, January 17-19, 2007
- 21th IPMA World Congress on Project Management, KRAKOW, Poland, 17 - 21 June, 2007
- Oracle Conference, San Francisco, USA, 21th - 26th, October, 2006
- 20th IPMA World Congress on Project Management, Shanghai, China, 15 - 17 October, 2006
- University of Torino, Italy, 16th - 20th, July, 2006
- BI Norwegian School of Management, 2nd - 12th, June, Oslo, Norway, 2006
- Columbia University,New York, USA, 26th January - 6th February, 2006
- Oracle Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2005
- CIO Microsoft, Barcelona, SPAIN, 2005
- IPMA Congress, New Delhi, INDIA, 2005
- North Carolina University, USA, 2005
- University of Rousse, BULGARIA, 2004
- Technical University of Kemnitz, GERMANY, 2004
- University of Bremen, GERMANY, 2003
- KTH Stockholm, SWEDEN 2003
- IUT Montpelier, FRANCE, 2002
- University of Milan, ITALY, 2001
- University of Athens, GREECE, 2000
- Granada University, Granada, SPAIN, 2000
- Northen Iowa University, USA, 2000
- Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The NEDERLANDS, 1999
- ABO University of Turku, FINLAND, 1999
- University of Limerick, IRELAND, 1999
- Regensburg, GERMANY, 1997
- Technological University of Eindhoven, The NEDERLANDS, 1996
- TEI Piraeus, Athens, GREECE, 1996
- University of Limerick, IRELAND, 1996
- L'Ecole Superieur d'Engineurs Belfort, FRANCE, 1994
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in work..........