1. CITSA 2008, International Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, June 29th - July 2nd, 2008, Orlando, Florida USA, organized by International Institute of International of Informatics and Systematics.

  2. WSEAS International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications - CEA'07, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, January 17-19, 2007
  3. 21th IPMA World Congress on Project Management, KRAKOW, Poland, 17 - 21 June, 2007
  4. Oracle Conference, San Francisco, USA, 21th - 26th, October, 2006
  5. 20th IPMA World Congress on Project Management, Shanghai, China, 15 - 17 October, 2006
  6. University of Torino, Italy, 16th - 20th, July, 2006
  7. BI Norwegian School of Management, 2nd - 12th, June, Oslo, Norway, 2006
  8. Columbia University,New York, USA, 26th January - 6th February, 2006
  9. Oracle Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2005
  10. CIO Microsoft, Barcelona, SPAIN, 2005
  11. IPMA Congress, New Delhi, INDIA, 2005
  12. North Carolina University, USA, 2005
  13. University of Rousse, BULGARIA, 2004
  14. Technical University of Kemnitz, GERMANY, 2004
  15. University of Bremen, GERMANY, 2003
  16. KTH Stockholm, SWEDEN 2003
  17. IUT Montpelier, FRANCE, 2002
  18. University of Milan, ITALY, 2001
  19. University of Athens, GREECE, 2000
  20. Granada University, Granada, SPAIN, 2000
  21. Northen Iowa University, USA, 2000
  22. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The NEDERLANDS, 1999
  23. ABO University of Turku, FINLAND, 1999
  24. University of Limerick, IRELAND, 1999
  25. Regensburg, GERMANY, 1997
  26. Technological University of Eindhoven, The NEDERLANDS, 1996
  27. TEI Piraeus, Athens, GREECE, 1996
  28. University of Limerick, IRELAND, 1996
  29. L'Ecole Superieur d'Engineurs Belfort, FRANCE, 1994
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