Dupa ce a terminat facultatea in 2003, cu lucrarea de licenta se numeste Gestiunea derularii proiectelor, in martie 2005 terminat masterul Managementul Informatizat al Proiectelor finalizat cu lucrarea de disertatie Arhitecturi software orientate pe mobile-payments.
Materiale publicate la care a lucrat Doru:
- Ion IVAN, Paul POCATILU, Doru UNGUREANU - Project Complexity, INFOREC Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001
- Ion IVAN, Paul POCATILU, Doru UNGUREANU - Projects Complexity in Economistul, Nr. 831 (1857), 9 April 2001 (in Romanian)
- Ion IVAN, Paul POCATILU, Doru UNGUREANU - Projects Complexity Evaluation, in Economy Informatics vol. I, nr. 1, 2001, pp. 84-89
- Paul POCATILU, Doru UNGUREANU - Software Testing Process Management, in Revista Romana de Informatica si Automatica, vol. 13, no. 2, 2003, pp. 15 -21 (in Romanian)
- Ion IVAN, Paul POCATILU, Marius POPA, Mihai SACALA, Doru UNGUREANU - Informational Cloning, in Proceedings of ASEM Symposium, Chisinau, October, 9-10, 2002
- Ion IVAN, Paul POCATILU, Doru UNGUREANU - IT Projects Complexity in Project Oriented Companies, Proceedings of pm days 2003 Projects and Emotions, Vienna, October 28 - November 1, 2003 (CD-ROM)
- Ion IVAN, Zsolt MARK, Paul POCATILU, Marius POPA, Doru UNGUREANU - Cohesion - Software Quality Characteristic, Proceedings of the 30th Scientific Session Modern Technologies of 21st Century, Military Technical Academy , November 6-7, 2003 (CD-ROM)
